Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Haying Crew

What could be better when there's a big job to be done than having some good strong backs and willing bodies to help with the project. Randy and I usually get the hay we need for the winter's feed by ourselves . . . but it turned out that the hay was baled and ready to be hauled the 4th of July weekend. Ted, Carson, Craig said they were up for an adventure, (Craig had never hauled hay before) so after a little preparation of finding work clothes and gloves for the "haying crew" the project began. And, of course, Carson wanted to be included with the work crew.

It was a good thing that Randy had some help because the bales of hay this year were extra heavy. . . he'd never been able to lift them on his own. Carson rode on top of the bales as they were loaded and yelled "whoa" to the pickup driver each time they needed to stop to load a bale - - so he had an important part in the haying project. When the haying crew got home with the load of hay they had a refreshing popsicle break before the unloading process began.

It was so nice to have Ted and Craig's help. Craig gained a new appreciation for working on a farm and Ted admitted that he even kind of enjoyed the whole thing - - but only because he didn't have to do it very often. I'll have to see if I can bribe some extra help again next year when it comes time to get our season's hay. It was nice to watch for a change instead of trying to help haul the heavy bales.

Carson is looking on as his dad hauls a heavy bale into the barn. It's hard work - - and always a good feeling to have the job done.

After the hay hauling was done, Ted and Carson headed for the sprinkler to cool off. I loved seeing Ted and Carson have so much fun together. . . just a couple of kids enjoying a hot summer day together.

Carson was filling the wading pool so he and Mitch could play in the water. Next thing I know I see Ted standing in the pool trying to get cooled off after his hay hauling work out.

It doesn't take a lot of water so you can have a good time with your boy. I'm glad I was in the backyard to capture this moment. The sight of Ted sitting in the wading pool with Carson will go down as one of my favorite moments of the weekend!

Some photos are truly priceless. . . and this happens to be one of them. Father and son playing together on a hot summer afternoon - - and me standing nearby with a camera. How lucky can you be! What a wonderful weekend working and playing together!

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